Physiotherapeutic Approach in Cervicocraniomandibular Disorders

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Book: Physiotherapeutic Approach in Cervicocraniomandibular Disorders

Author: Marcelo Tenreiro Jesus da Silva and Bruno Zorzanelli Bustamante

ISBN: 9786500216592

Year: 1st Edition - 2022

Portuguese language

Pages: 404

Bookshelf: Physiotherapy Treatment

Physiotherapeutic Approaches in Cervicocraniomandibular Disorders is the book that came to elucidate what has long been hidden within Physiotherapy and other health sciences. In it we propose to you, the reader, the most current in assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the main dysfunctions that affect the population in the 21st century.
Aiming to fill the gaps left in graduation and propose a new vision to health professionals who dedicate themselves to this area of ​​activity, we brought in this work the best, through the knowledge of great physiotherapists with extensive clinical and academic experience in this subject. In a succinct and objective way, the authors explain the interactions and physiotherapeutic approaches in: Neck Pain, Tinnitus, Vertigo/Dizziness, Oculomotor Disorders, Headaches, TMJ Disorders and Bruxism. In addition to all these topics described, readers will also learn about systemic interactions and the influence on body homeostasis. To conclude, we follow the trend that physiotherapy is seeking more and more every day, which is to treat the patient in a holistic way, making clinical correlations between the physical examination, symptoms and the patient's clinical history, worrying about seeing him as a human being within its biopsychosocial complexity.

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